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The History Of European Wars
The History & Betrayal of the N.A.A.C.P.
The Real Story of the Crimes of the U.S. Presidents
The Geo-Political History of the Bible
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews
How Haiti was Key in The Making of America
For 22 years, Dr. William Mackey taught Black History and Culture to military retirees — and all others who found the door of his classroom ajar and inviting — in two-hour weekly lectures where he discussed current events, digressed to the past and cleverly connected the two. Drafted into the Army in World War II, Mackey served as an interpreter of French and Italian, then an almost unheard of position for an African American man. After the war, he moved to New York City, earned a degree in structural engineering and helped design school and office buildings statewide. During his student years, he became friends with Shirley Graham and W.E.B. DuBois, a founder of the NAACP. They encouraged his studies and invited him to Sunday evening gatherings at their home.
All of Dr. William Mackey DVDs